
lockc is open source software for providing MAC (Mandatory Access Control) type of security audit for container workloads.

For more information refer to the official lockc website.

Installing the charts

For example:

$ helm repo add lockc https://rancher-sandbox.github.io/lockc-helm-charts/
$ helm install --create-namespace -n lockc lockc lockc/lockc

If it is necessary to change lockcd config please create lockc.toml or copy it from lockc config

Add changes to lockc.toml and create configMap in lockc namespace

$ kubectl create configmap -n lockc lockc --from-file=./lockc.toml
$ helm upgrade lockc lockc/lockc --namespace lockc --set lockcd.config.enabled=true

This will install lockc on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

The default configuration values should be good enough for the majority of deployments. All the options are documented in the configuration section.

Upgrading the charts

Please refer to the release notes of each version of the helm charts. These can be found here.

Uninstalling the charts

To uninstall/delete lockc use the following command:

$ helm uninstall -n lockc lockc

The commands remove all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart, all policy servers and their policies, and deletes the release along with the release history.

If you want to keep the history use --keep-history flag.


The following tables list the configurable parameters of the lockc chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
lockcd.image.repository The lockc container image to be used ghcr.io/rancher-sandbox/lockc
lockcd.image.tag The tag of the lockc container image to be used ``
lockcd.debug.enabled Enable debug mode for lockc daemon false
lockcd.config.enabled Enable custom configuration provided in separate configMap. If false dafault config will be used false
lockcd.config.name Name of ConfigMap with lockc.toml file. It will be mounted under /etc/lockc/lockc.toml lockc
nameOverride Replaces the name of the chart in the Chart.yaml file when this is is used to construct Kubernetes object names ``
fullnameOverride Completely replaces the generated name ``
podAnnotations Extra annotations to add to the lockc deployment {}
nodeSelector nodeSelector for the lockc deployment {}
tolerations tolerations for the lockc deployment {}
affinity affinity rules for the lockc deployment {}